Monday, January 6, 2014

Spag bowl from scratch YIAH style :)

So as mentioned previously my son is so super fussy, he really doesn't eat much of anything and the only decent meal he does eat is Spag Bowl - So I had been so excited to make one with my YIAH products and see if he would eat it and SUCCESS he loved it and wanted it again the following night :)
So I am very excited to share this one with you all.


2 cups of fresh diced tomatoes 
1.5 TBSP YIAH Herb and Garlic Dip Mix
1 TBSP YIAH Salsa Dip Mix
2 clove of fresh garlic crushed
1 diced brown onion
1/4 green capsicum diced
2 TBSP Home made tomato paste
Salt & Pepper
1/2 Kg mince
2 cups cooked pasta
Cheese to serve. 


1. Put the diced tomatoes, onions, garlic, capsicum, YIAH Herb & Garlic Dip Mix and YIAH Salsa Dip Mix into a blender or processor until pureed. Now set aside until you need it. (YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU LIKE YOUR SPAG CHUNKY)

2. Brown off your mince in a large fry pan. Once cooked drain to remove all the fat in the bottom of the pan.

3. Add your pureed sauce mixture into your mince and stir through. Now add the tomato paste and season with salt and pepper to your liking. 
Taste - you may wish to add a little more YIAH dip mix depending on the flavor you are after. 

4. Place pasta in a bowl top with your mince and sprinkle with cheese and serve. 

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