Monday, January 6, 2014

Current Competition on my Facebook Page!

Here at Amy Keating - Your Inspiration At Home, I am all about sharing these amazing products so everyone has the opportunity to cook and eat Gourmet food in the comfort of their own home. 
So for the month of January I am going to run a little competition  I would love  to make it to 150 Likers before the end of the month.

Here's what you do!
Share my page with your friends or tag them in one of our posts, 
Then get them to click that LIKE button and then post a quick hello and who sent them to my wall! The person who has the most referrals will win a YIAH Dip Mix of their choice on me!!!

Happy Sharing!!!

Conditions of entry
*You must have either shared the page/post or tagged friends in a post to be eligible to win - WHEN SHARING MAKE SURE ITS SET TO PUBLIC OTHERWISE I AM NOT NOTIFIED. 
*All wall messages must be from currently page Likers to count as 
a referral
*Winner must be a liker of this page 
*Must not be a Past of Current YIAH Independent Consultant
*Free YIAH DIP MIX must be claimed by the 28.2.14
*Prize will be personally delivered or posted depending on location

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