Monday, January 6, 2014

My Bundy Pulled Pork

Over the Christmas Holidays we had family come to stay. They are country people so love roasts, meat and veg and those sorts of meals. But I was excited to share as many YIAH meals with them as possible. But both my Brother In Law and My Husband are Flavor Police so my brain went into over drive.

I decided that Pork is always a winner with them so that was a good start. Then it occurred to me that if I could incorporate ALCOHOL into the mean then we would have a double winner :D
So I had a look at the YIAH online recipe site ( looked up Pork and a recipe for Pulled Pork came up... I decided that it was such a simple recipe that with a few adjustments I could make something that everyone would like.

So I got out my slow cooker, started the process of "cooking" So I chopped an onion, poured a few things into the cooker, rubbed the meat with the YIAH Pulled Pork Spice. Added the meat and the onion and then stole a Bunderberg Rum can from the fridge.

I then got ready and we headed to the beach for the day :)

Once we arrived home dinner was almost ready :) and the house smelt amazing. All I needed to do now is throw a few veggies together and dinner was done.

So as I told everyone to get ready for dinner the men in the house all offered to cut up the Pork for me & when I told them I had it under control they of course didn't believe me. So they came into the kitchen to see me pulling the pork apart with no more then two forks. This then lead to a taste test by them both and after that I am lucky I got any of it onto a plate. It was a definite hit and hubby is already begging me to make it again. So I will share the recipe with you all :) you will have to excuse the poor photo as everyone devoured it all very quickly

Bundy Pulled Pork


  • 950 gs Shoulder Pork
  • 3 tbsp.s YIAH Pulled Pork Spice Blend
  • 0.5 cup. Bunderberg Rum and Coke * You will just have to drink whats left in the can :)
  • 2 tbsp.s Tomato Paste
  • 1 cup. Vegetable Stock
  • 2 Sliced Onions
  • 4 Steam Vegetable Bags
  • 8 Dinner rolls
  • 1 Garden Salad


Step 1 -
Slice your onions & place in a slow cooker with Garlic, Rum and Stock and turn on high.
Step 2-
Rub the YIAH Pulled Pork Spice all over the pork and then place it in the slow cooker. It should be covered in liquid.
Step 3 -
Turn pork after 5 hours and then continue to cook on low.
Step 4 -
After another 3 hours the pork should be perfect. Remove it and it should just fall apart when pulled with 2 forks. Drizzle some of the cooking liquid over the meat.
Step 5 -
Serve with Steam veg and/or Salad and some nice warm dinner rolls.
(Can be eaten as a meal or place the pork on the bun roll) is my personal YIAH website and is my facebook page :)

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